
Bridging The Gap

I Pledge Allegiance

Light Of Liberty

Our Country's Flag
Our Country's Veterans


How To Use

The Future of Liberty

American Legion
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The American Legion

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Fun stories and activities help teach children the true meaning of allegiance. When we pledge allegiance, we promise to be loyal to our country, despite our many differences. An important lesson for children!

1 to 99 copies           $.85 each
100 copies or more   $.69 each

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Monday to Friday 7 AM to 6 PM Central Time
Item 755.302, or

Order Online from American Legion Emblem Sales


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An elementary school principal wanted to teach children new to her school why we say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. She contacted us to use copies of I Pledge Allegiance. She gave a copy to each child in every class during the first week of school. Later, she contacted us to say that the response from teachers and parents was overwhelmingly positive. She wrote, "I Pledge Allegiance gave us a great tool to teach children about patriotism and citizenship!"

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